Wages by indicators and years
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* In order to provide comparability of indicators for 2012-2013, the corresponding indicators for 2012 were re-calculated by the current methodology based on the RA Law “On Income Tax” acquired the forcesince 01.01.2013, using the method of applying the calculated (conditional) rates of employer’s statutory social security contribution. Since 2012 wages / salaries indicators years include data on servicemen (military personnel).
** From January 1 to July 1, 2013 the statuory wage was difined 35000 AMD and since July 1 of 2013 - 45000 AMD.
***Since 2018 the source of information for the average wage calculation is the database of the Individual records on
income tax and social security tax authorized by the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia
(SRC RA). In order to provide comparability of indicators on wages/salaries for 2017-2018 the 2017 indicator is provided by the database of SRC RA